
Showing posts from August, 2009

Have you heard about FISHA framework ?

FISHA - A framework for information Sharing and Alerting - is a collaborative project run by an EC consortium. The project addresses the issue of improving security awareness amongst home-users and SME's through the creation of a European information sharing and alerting system. The expected output of the project includes: an inventory of relevant existing initiatives targeting home-users and SMEs a requirement analysis and the specification of key components of the system a web portal prototype for information sharing and alerting a specification of the information sharing and alerting protocol a prototype software implementation roadmaps for the involvement of Member States, the European Commission, ENISA [European network and information security agency], academia and consumer protection experts in maintaining the system a communication plan for home-users and SMEs, to be published on the FISHA website For further info, check

Just being back after four weeks

Being back after four weeks on holidays (!), I've been screening some new social media content on the Internet and I was especially interested in the Web 2.0 Expo / summit series . The event is divided in two parts: the expo (will take place in NY in November) and the summit, that will be held in San Francisco a little bit earlier (October 20-22, 2009). The marketing around the summit is fantastic, knowing that you have to request an invitation to pay and assist to the event, which is - if you think on it - absolutely in contradiction with a democratic Web 2.0 approach (all is transparent, accessible and most of the time, free of charge)... if you're lucky enough to get an invite, let me know...otherwise, just check - as I do - some good presentations on YouTube...