Please don't work from home.
Having already written what I thought when Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer decided and announced in public that Yahoo employee's were invited to work from the office - and not from home anymore... I can't resist to come back to the recent declaration of HP CEO Meg Whitam (also banning home work for HP employees). First and foremost, I'm happy not to work for Yahoo or HP. Not that they don't have attractive products (I speak for HP here), but I seriously doubt about the vision and strategy those two ladies have for their group. Commuting, concentrating people in one working place means: waste of time, waste of energy (think on car engines, fuel etc.) and, in some cases, for long distance commuters, exhausted employees. On top of that, we could question the purpose of having people in a room when you have a full suite of tools for making online (video) conferences - and not only a cheap one-to-one model, but for plenty of participants. When you're supposed to lead technologi...