
Showing posts from September, 2012

Sharepoint 2013 & BI analytics

Ever wanted to implement a Business Intelligence or any enhanced analytics within your company? Well, based on this video, it seems that SP2013 will be very promising for the future. The XL Web Part integration provides the capability for most of the companies I know to dispatch and display real time quantitative information. This could be an affordable and easy way to deploy a BI solution within the financial sector. Have a look, this is a very valuable contribution from the guys from Gig Werks.

Win8, tablets and corporations

Announced for October, I'm quite excited with the idea to discover the Windows8 version - and the huge transformation on end-user interface level. Having had an interesting conversation earlier this week about the impact of Windows8 on the tablet (corporate) market, we came to the following conclusion: 1. Windows8 on tablet will be as good as IOS6 (yes, I dare to write that some Microsoft products will be 'as good as' Apple products. Sorry folks); 2. The corporate network integration will be optimal, in Microsoft environment at least; 3. The price per unit will be significantly cheaper than the Apple material; 4. Security will be better (sorry again...) Microsoft and Ballmer not innovative enough? Will see....

What after Twitter ?

What can we do in management consulting with Twitter? If you're not Lady Gaga, Madonna or Barack, what can you do with Twitter if you're an ordinary man, just working as CIO and not looking for over-exposure on the Internet....? Well, I guess the answer will be: stay informed. I added quite a lot of well-known twitters in my following queue and I've to aknowledge, it's quite cool to read the latest news about the topics you selected. A kind of perpetual RSS feed, with real-time and online information about various topics (music, book, publishers, arts etc.). My real-time gazette, written by the people I allowed to write and I decided to read. Or not. Nothing changed, basically.

Twitter fans, here we go

Not sure it's a good idea though, but yes, finally on Twitter...hmm....can't be on the Net without it, hu..? check: #MagmaConsult account and find some more there :-)