OMG!!! Nearly a year...

It can't be possible!! Nearly 9 months without a word, no picture, no comment, no can that be? Well, this illustrates probably how busy we are in our sector, advising one client and then another, organizing meetings, calls, workshops and realizing that nine months have passed.

During all those weeks, I have been working on two specific Belgian public sectors assignments (one in Brussels, the other in Wallonia), tackling their technical debt issue. The story is quite complicated, as both entities have been running quite old back office solutions. The modernization pathways is not simple and implies a strong architecture work...but we will get there 😆!!

On the Blue Soft Belgium side, we have recruited new colleagues, proposed new client engagements (and won the majority of them, focusing on consultants profiles and a right match with the client's needs). It is a fantastic team we are building here and I'm thrilled to see what the future will bring us...

BTW, if you would like to have a small intro on what Blue Soft Belgium is doing on our local market, please check our Youtube videos (in French)..

Right here 👉: Présentation de notre filiale

and here 👉: La dette technique dans deux administrations belges


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