
Showing posts from June, 2006

KnowledgeBoard 3.0 Meeting

Just back from Paris - with no computer with me. The steering group meeting about the Knowledgeboard 's future was very positive and useful. We decided there to promote and leverage the site and its content, but with an important and massive focus on the transition period (between the end of it as european public funded portal and January 2007, where it will become a privately run community site). A lot of ideas and Blog links will be established, certainly from my side (opening the platform to the 'applied' knowledge management - the one that companies want to have, concrete, applied to their business and not the esoterical one, just defining itself for the beauty of the art). To be continued, PS: we were on the Champs-Elysees on Saterday night, with a fantastic massive joy explosion from the Frenchies, wining against Togo 2-0, passing the next stage in World soccer cup. Very nice to live :-)

Intelligent filters

3 good definitions I read about 'intelligent filtering': 1. Collaborative (or social filtering): the software compares the user's preferences to those of other users to predict which information will be of interest. Collaborative filtering makes use of agents which learn from other agents. It offers the tantalizing potential for community-building: the software's ability to match up like-minded individuals has important implications for eliminating work redundancies and creating communities of practice accross functional areas or within geographically dispersed organisations. This is like in Ecademy or in LinkedIn interfaces. 2. Psychographic filtering: uses a pyschographic profile to perform the same function as the collaborative filter. Like in MSN or CNN news channels that the user can define to his region. 3. Adaptive filter: this is the most sophisticated of the filters. By asking the user to rate material that has been delivered, the software is able to 'learn

Sharepoint 2007 Bootcamp - Ciao guys,

The week is finished. We had a very positive learning experience with Patrick and all the guys taking part of the Bootcamp. Very instructive and useful to plan the next migration; after the day, I went to the book store for books about management and philosophy, one about UML and modelisation of objects and a last one on Eclipse (sorry guys, it must be a reaction after one extensive Microsoft week ;-) I tried this morning to read about some system thinking and design (or why in essence more and more top executive have to be busy with architectural concepts). However, the traffic jams wasn't long enough to finish it, so I'll surely blog on that next week. Last point, I just noticed that my good old chap Linux Suze 10.1 is installed and ready for testing. I predict a huge reaction on the Microsoft code, announced (partially at least) open for academics and research projects. Hm hm...

Refonte du site Magma Consulting

Je me suis enfin décidé à refondre mon site. Dopé par mes cours Microsoft, je prends mon courage à deux mains et me mets (efin, diront certains) au boulot. Quelques heures plus tard, le résultat ne se fait plus trop attendre...Disons que le nouveau template (épuré) du Blog m'a bien inspiré pour le site en lui-même. J'ose à peine croire que je vais pouvoir mettre ça en ligne.

Just like Dad

A new KPMG star is born...

Sharepoint 2007 Bootcamp - 3rd day

Third day about SharePoint (next) technologies, reading code, testing, exploring and discovering interesting features for the (big?) companies working on Microsoft technologies. About knowing what's all happening in Redmond, have a look at: Beta news sites [ ]and the tremendous [ ]. You surely will be the first to know!!

Free SharePoint and Office 2007 books

[The 7 projects book] [A first look in Office 2007] Based on those beautiful technologies, we should consider a financially Open Source solution for the Small and Medium Enterprises, no ?

SharePoint 2007 Bootcamp - second day

Interesting, heavy day for the Sharepoint lovers that were following Patrick T. (all the SharePoint experts will recognize the valuable Belgian MVP!) his explanations. Among others, an important link to remember: [ The SharePoint server 2007 SDK download page ] The only thing we could argue in that bunch of features and line codes is 'where is the user?'. The Microsoft technologies are being so complex, with so many extended features that I was wondering how could a normal, non programmer user, follow the trend ? Office 2007 will be a little revolution.

Future end user productivity

I'm attending a Sharepoint 2007 Bootcamp in Brussels, discovering all the new features (and sometimes issues) from the next Microsoft Office 2007 release. Integrated with the Sharepoint technologies, there is no doubt that this will be a major hit for companies worrying about information and knowledge management. [Microsoft Office 2007 preview]