KnowledgeBoard 3.0 Meeting

Just back from Paris - with no computer with me.
The steering group meeting about the Knowledgeboard's future was very positive and useful. We decided there to promote and leverage the site and its content, but with an important and massive focus on the transition period (between the end of it as european public funded portal and January 2007, where it will become a privately run community site).
A lot of ideas and Blog links will be established, certainly from my side (opening the platform to the 'applied' knowledge management - the one that companies want to have, concrete, applied to their business and not the esoterical one, just defining itself for the beauty of the art). To be continued,
PS: we were on the Champs-Elysees on Saterday night, with a fantastic massive joy explosion from the Frenchies, wining against Togo 2-0, passing the next stage in World soccer cup. Very nice to live :-)


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