Where can IT make a difference?

Disruption of the classical models will create massive change in what and how we produce, we consume, we live. But where do we stand if we compare the business activities (what's the change, the progress we've made?)

  1. The value starts at the inception of the business model. A startup is now Internet-based, in an optimal resource utilization perspective, focused on a circular vision of its economic model. Renting cheap office (if any), using collaborative and virtual spaces - and renting all what it needs. This means very poor or low capital intensive businesses, with a strong profit margin if the costs are tightly controled.
  2. Customers are close to the management - and so is the marketing strategy. Big data analysis, customer relationship management systems, all the info where insight can be gained and created (a kind of old 'back and trace' notion, but cloud-based. Modern).
  3. Improvement of productivity and efficiency. Every day, decision, movement in the business should lead to added-value to the turnover. The economy offers today endless opportunities for establishing contacts, new rules for collaboration, partnerships that can support an idea and the development of the business around it. No resource to lose.
  4. This optimization should lead in my views to:
    • Optimized maintenance
    • Better spare-part management
    • Improved decision-making processes
    • Fewer losses (in time, capital expenditure, productivity)
    • Optimization of every step taken in daily business life
    • Better prices and customer segmentation
    • Digital operations
    • Optimized operations & management through excellent resource planning 
  5. Automation of back office processes is the big area where IT can help and make an impact on business life. And this does not include some of the new analytics possibilities around customer choices and the new way they want to consume your products.


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