Happy New Year, folks!!

Time to move on, to pause and to reflect on what has been achieved during 2022. In a nutshell, we made this year a subtle mix of management consulting projects (heart of Brussels, regional administration), a second-level of Open Group certification in Enterprise Architecture and, during the last part of the year, we designed a specific approach for managing what is called technical debt.

The concept of technical debt is broadly detailed online, but concretely, it addresses all the legacy, the old code, the old technologies a client might have in his IT ecosystem and that need to be updated to new IT norms (code language, software versions, security levels etc.) A quite funny journey 😅

On our recruitment side, Magma filled every client request with a new candidate and quite great profiles were recruited. Congrats to our partner Delphine that made that amazing job!

And, last and certainly not least, we hired 2 people for Blue Soft Belgium, bringing the team to 4. And this is a first year start, with in our pipeline a new consultant that should sign his contract early 2023. A great challenge and a great satisfaction to see the progress of our new venture. Stay tuned (but in a meanwhile, just enjoy a well-deserved winter break!!)


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